Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mayur River

Save the Moyur River

The Moyur River is very important for the city of Khulna. It stands on the west side of Khulna. More than 2000 people and 500 fishermen’s livelihood depend on this river. During the rainy season floodwater falls in the Moyur river. The Moyur river also is a recreational place for the people of Khulna.

Moyur river is now encroaching by some powerful people. They are building market, housing and making dam for fisheries. The encroachment is a great threat for the Moyur river as well as for the environment.

A movement was organized for protecting the Moyur river by the civil society organisations, mass people, local journalists and youth groups. They are organising human chains, rallies, signature campaign and also have organised a press conference for creating awareness both locally and nationally. A memorandum also has submitted to the concern Government departments of Khulna.

As a result government have taken seriously this issues. They open five dams from Moyur river. Mr. Moniruzzaman, Khulna city corporation’s Meyor is committed and sought support from everybody to protect Moyur river. Recently he attended a human chain organized by SPS, a local NGO of Khulna. In his speech he said “we have to save Moyur river at any cost.”


Population Problem of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is an over populated country. The rate of population increases day by day. The total population of our country is more than 15 core and about 250 people live in per square kilometre. The majority of the people live in villages. Most of them are illiterate and very poor. This is the main reason of our over population.

Because of over-population the country cannot fulfill the essential needs of the people. It also increases the rate of illiteracy, unemployment, poverty, crime etc.

The main reasons for over population are lack of knowledge, early marriage, lack of knowledge about family planning etc. Even the government of our country does not take any step to overcome this problem.

If we want to overcome this problem, we should take the necessary steps described below:
1. Increase the rate of literacy
2. Increase the awareness about the family planning
3. Stop early marriage
4. Aware the people about the bad effect of over population
5. Our government should take different kinds of stepsvisit voice

Poverty Reduction

Bangladesh is an ever-growing country in finance and development. Since 1971 Bangladeshi people are working hard to change their lot, but a wide gap is prevailing between the rich and the poor. The rich are becoming richer but the poor are becoming poorer gradually. Thus poverty is increasing among the poor in the country. 80% of the people live below poverty line here.

There are many reasons of poverty in the country. Illiteracy is one of the main causes of poverty. Only about 60% people are literate here. So other people cannot think to develop their economic status. Even many people cheat and deprive the poor illiterate people.

There are some measures of reducing poverty. Micro credit can play very significant role in reducing poverty. Moreover, the Government along with development organizations are implementing Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS) in the country to alleviate poverty. Some renowned economists opined, ‘to reduce poverty we have to distribute the wealth equally and minimize the gap between the rich and the poor.’

In South Asia Bangladesh is playing a role model of economic growth, but due to some corruption and dishonesty some people are suffering from acute poverty while other people are compiling a mountain of wealth. So we have to come forward to alleviate poverty through possible best way soon.

Visit the website of flowers


Sap-Bangladesh is a national NGO.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Time to practice


Post your article written yesterday including the following elements:

1. Different font, font size and color for your sub-title(s)
2. One image (see previous post)
3. One link to another relevant webpage, like this

How to post an image

Here are the steps to follow to add an image to a blog entry:

1. Prepare your image to be a suitable size for the web, and give it a descriptive name.
2. Save your image in a save place in your computer where you can find it later.
3. When you write your text for your new post, clic on the image icon at the top right of the text box.
4. Follow the instructions regarding the size, display and choice of the image.
5. That's it! Publish your post!

The First Post!

The First Post!

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Aude & Parker