Bangladesh is an over populated country. The rate of population increases day by day. The total population of our country is more than 15 core and about 250 people live in per square kilometre. The majority of the people live in villages. Most of them are illiterate and very poor. This is the main reason of our over population.
Because of over-population the country cannot fulfill the essential needs of the people. It also increases the rate of illiteracy, unemployment, poverty, crime etc.
The main reasons for over population are lack of knowledge, early marriage, lack of knowledge about family planning etc. Even the government of our country does not take any step to overcome this problem.
If we want to overcome this problem, we should take the necessary steps described below:
1. Increase the rate of literacy
2. Increase the awareness about the family planning
3. Stop early marriage
4. Aware the people about the bad effect of over population
5. Our government should take different kinds of stepsvisit voice
Yes, we know all, but you are also part of population problem please be dead!
You have done a very fantastic work
Nuti èhte dole dé demoèn baéth bèjth
jotil jinis!!!
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